Dr Charlotte Forwood
Charlotte is a teacher and speech pathologist working in both the primary and secondary setting. She is also the Director of Learning Design and Development at Camberwell Girls Grammar School.
Charlotte has a long-standing interest in and experience with Developmental Language Disorder, including working at Moor House School in the UK; developing the ISV Middle Years Language Consultancy Program and Secondary Language Consultancy Program to assist teachers to support students with Developmental Language Disorder; developing teacher resources for The DLD Project; and most recently as a RADLD (Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder) Global Ambassador.
You can find Charlotte on Twitter @talkinged19
Developmental Language Disorder - What every teacher needs to know
In this session, Charlotte will provide an overview of Developmental Language Disorder as well as practical strategies for supporting students with Developmental Language Disorder.
Wednesday 24 November, 2021
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM AEDT Melbourne Time
This is a free event open to Eastern Melbourne Branch members of Think Forward Educators.
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