Join a growing community of Principals and School Leaders wanting to lift achievement for all students.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Sarah Kelly will share with interested educators her current school’s change and the experiences that led to their WHY as a school.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Manisha Gazula is a passionate educator with a fundamental focus on improving student outcomes. She is Principal of Marsen Road Public School.
In 2019, Marsden Road Public School received the Executive Directors Award for significant contributions towards advancing the strategic goals of the NSW Department of Education.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Riverwood Public school is a small school located in a low socio-economic community in south-western Sydney. A focus on evidence-based wellbeing and learning practices has underpinned the school’s improvement work. We are committed to Explicit Direct Instruction as a key pedagogical approach and our literacy practices are aligned with the research from the science of reading. The school’s wellbeing framework articulates a twin focus on staff and student wellbeing.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. The journey to become a school of excellence for Beeliar Primary School started with an in-depth analysis of student data, where all staff engaged in a disciplined dialogue about school and student performance. Whole school programs including Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), InitiaLit, Critical Reading and Spelling Mastery were introduced to ensure consistency of practice and a systematic development of reading across the school. The results have been outstanding and Beeliar PS achieved green boxes for all literacy areas in our 2021 Year 3 NAPLAN results.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and learn about the tremendous success at Churchill Primary with Principal, Jacquie Burrows.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Get ahead for your 2022 planning and hear from an expert in the field. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Steven Capp and Sarah Asome) about the Science of Reading and Learning.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Ellen Stirling Primary and Yates Avenue Public School) about their school improvement journeys.
David MacSporran is the Principal of Yates Avenue Public School in western Sydney. The school has a clear vision for evidence-based teaching practices and continuous improvement for all staff. David and the leadership team will present an outline of how the science of reading and Explicit Direct Instruction has informed their school improvement journey.
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Past Events
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Sarah Kelly will share with interested educators her current school’s change and the experiences that led to their WHY as a school.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Manisha Gazula is a passionate educator with a fundamental focus on improving student outcomes. She is Principal of Marsen Road Public School.
In 2019, Marsden Road Public School received the Executive Directors Award for significant contributions towards advancing the strategic goals of the NSW Department of Education.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. Riverwood Public school is a small school located in a low socio-economic community in south-western Sydney. A focus on evidence-based wellbeing and learning practices has underpinned the school’s improvement work. We are committed to Explicit Direct Instruction as a key pedagogical approach and our literacy practices are aligned with the research from the science of reading. The school’s wellbeing framework articulates a twin focus on staff and student wellbeing.
Open to all Principals and Assistant/Deputy Principals. The journey to become a school of excellence for Beeliar Primary School started with an in-depth analysis of student data, where all staff engaged in a disciplined dialogue about school and student performance. Whole school programs including Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), InitiaLit, Critical Reading and Spelling Mastery were introduced to ensure consistency of practice and a systematic development of reading across the school. The results have been outstanding and Beeliar PS achieved green boxes for all literacy areas in our 2021 Year 3 NAPLAN results.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and learn about the tremendous success at Churchill Primary with Principal, Jacquie Burrows.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Get ahead for your 2022 planning and hear from an expert in the field. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Steven Capp and Sarah Asome) about the Science of Reading and Learning.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Serpentine Primary and Chelsea Primary) about their school improvement journeys.
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Ellen Stirling Primary and Yates Avenue Public School) about their school improvement journeys.
David MacSporran is the Principal of Yates Avenue Public School in western Sydney. The school has a clear vision for evidence-based teaching practices and continuous improvement for all staff. David and the leadership team will present an outline of how the science of reading and Explicit Direct Instruction has informed their school improvement journey.
Primary School Principal Greg Clement is successfully leading a change in practice using the science of reading at Clayton South Primary School. You may have heard of the work going on at CSPS via Greg’s new blog. Come to hear how your school could do the same!
Open to all Principals and Assistant Principals. Come to discuss, share, and ask our panel (Serpentine Primary and Chelsea Primary) about their school improvement journeys.