TFE PL Nov 2020 - Melanie Henry

Professional Learning Session with Melanie Henry

Courtesy of Dr Charlotte Forwood

Courtesy of Dr Charlotte Forwood

About the session

This presentation is aimed at secondary teachers considering or at the beginning of their journey into structured literacy. I’ll provide an overview of our journey as a school, what it looks like in the classroom, individual supports for students and staff development, as well as suggest some resources and strategies for starting out.


Melanie Henry

Melanie is a PhD candidate in the Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) Lab at La Trobe University. She is a secondary trained teacher and was the instructional leader/coach at the Pavilion School, in Melbourne’s North. She has worked in both mainstream and alternative settings, teaching a range of subjects. She is passionate about rigorous and engaging curriculum, professional learning, classroom instruction and structured literacy. She holds a Master of Learning Intervention focused on inclusive practice and alternative education from the University of Melbourne. She is most proud of the team of teachers she works with and their willingness to embrace professional learning with her.


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