What it takes to shift practice - Montello Primary School's Journey towards structured literacy
Webinar, Branch Meeting Think Forward Educators Webinar, Branch Meeting Think Forward Educators

What it takes to shift practice - Montello Primary School's Journey towards structured literacy

As a small, regional primary school with a vulnerable student population, the leadership of Montello Primary School knew that changes were needed to support their students to become proficient readers. Over the course of a year, the school has trained staff and implemented a structured literacy approach in their early years classrooms. This hasn't come without challenges, but Dion McCall (Principal) and Ruby Moore (Quality Teaching Coach) are ready to share preliminary data, experiences and wisdom with other schools thinking of embarking on a similar journey. In this session, Jocelyn Seamer will facilitate a conversation with Dion and Ruby about their methodology, motivations and future plans for structured literacy in their school.

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Moving towards the Science of Learning - Jack Neil
Webinar Think Forward Educators Webinar Think Forward Educators

Moving towards the Science of Learning - Jack Neil

A school improvement journey. In this practical and reflective talk, Jack Neil will explore an example of how to initiate school change towards the Science of Learning, and how to lead in a new space. Jack will emphasise that key to leading change is embracing teachers as your greatest asset.

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The Science of School Improvement - David MacSporran and Yates Avenue Public School
Webinar Think Forward Educators Webinar Think Forward Educators

The Science of School Improvement - David MacSporran and Yates Avenue Public School

David MacSporran is the Principal of Yates Avenue Public School in western Sydney. The school has a clear vision for evidence-based teaching practices and continuous improvement for all staff. David and the leadership team will present an outline of how the science of reading and Explicit Direct Instruction has informed their school improvement journey.

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