Challenge Accepted: Practical Actions for Reading Success - Jocelyn Seamer - TAS Branch
In this session, Jocelyn shared her experiences from her work in some of Australia's remotest schools and outline the necessary components for evidence informed literacy practices in the early primary years. Focusing on practical and realistic actions, Jocelyn will invite you to consider the steps we might take to move closer to the evidence and create success and growth for every child, everywhere.

The Great Teaching Toolkit - Prof Rob Coe
Helping teachers to become even more effective is mainly about teacher learning. Crucially, teacher learning is just like every other kind of learning, so clarifying the curriculum - what is worth learning to get better at - is fundamental.
The Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review, published in June 2020, presents the latest and best available evidence about what great teachers do that makes a difference. Teacher learning also depends on feedback - rich, insightful, actionable feedback that helps teachers to focus on the things that matter, to see how well they are doing, what they are improving and what they can most usefully work on. In this talk, Rob will describe what the great Teaching Toolkit is, how it could support your teaching, and how you can get involved.