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The Inclusive Maths Classroom

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The Inclusive Maths Classroom

Supporting Students with Complex Learning Needs

This presentation focuses on how educators can develop and promote meaningful personalised maths instruction within inclusive classrooms. Explores research findings that focus on the development of an individualised inclusive educational framework utilising personalized supports, explicit early numeracy skill instruction, age/stage-aligned math outcomes and embedded systematic instruction for students with complex learning needs (i.e., intellectual disability, autism, developmental disability).

Through teacher-directed professional development and planning, educational teams can increase student numeracy during age/stage aligned math lessons. Together we will dive deeper into ways for educational teams (general educator, special educator, and paraprofessional) to utilise research-based practices for students with extensive support needs within the inclusive math classroom. With a continued call for research and practice to address the necessity for both quality math instruction and meaningful inclusive education for students with complex learning needs, this presentation will engage participants in data driven discussions regarding implementation.

Bree Jimenez, PhD

University of Texas at Arlington

Dr. Bree Jimenez is a Professor of Special Education at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) and an Honorary Research Associate in Special Education with the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. She has worked in the field of special education for over 20 years, as a classroom teacher supporting students in both primary and secondary school.

Her research focuses on mainstream curriculum access and assessment for students with intellectual disability and autism. Specifically, Dr. Jimenez’ research focuses on math, science, and STEM instruction for students with intellectual disability and autism. She is a principal investigator on over 3.5 million dollars of research fundings focused on engineering and early numeracy instruction for students with developmental disabilities. She is the author/co-author of over 40 peer-reviewed journals articles, multiple book chapters, and several books on strategies to support academics for students with disabilities. She works closely with teachers, administrators, school systems and state departments of education both nationally and internationally. Dr. Jimenez is vice president of Division for Autism and Developmental Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Dr. Jimenez is an author of the internationally implemented academic classroom curriculums: Teaching to Standards: Math; Teaching to Standards: Science; Early Numeracy; Early Science; Access Algebra and Access Geometry.

This event was organised by the Think Forward Educators Maths Network

You can join the Maths Network space on the Think Forward Educators platform at the link below.

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