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Direct Instruction: Introduction and History

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Direct Instruction: An Introduction and history

With Alice Westera and Lisa Brodbeck

 This webinar introduces Direct Instruction - the unique teaching approach created by Siegfried Engelmann at the University of Oregon in the 1960’s, origin of the Science of Learning and Science of Reading body of programs and research with which we are all familiar with today. The webinar gives an overview of the background of DI including Project Follow Through (the largest educational research study ever conducted), the Philosophy underpinning DI, and the basics of the teaching pedagogy that underpins all DI programs.

If implemented with fidelity, the DI programs can transform the results of students in your school. From Spelling Mastery to Connecting Maths Concepts, DI offers a program for all your Literacy and Numeracy needs. Having taught the programs in the classroom successfully for over ten years, Lisa and Alice are uniquely placed to give their insights into what makes DI programs so effective. DI can improve academic results and confidence in even the most disengaged of students.

#teachwhatworks #directinstruction #projectfollowthrough

Alice and Lisa, Direct For You Consulting

Alice and Lisa have over 10 years of combined experience working with the Direct Instruction programs. Together they have taught the full suite of programs for several years in remote schools in Far North Queensland. Alice and Lisa have worked side by side as the Head of Curriculum supporting the school with their full implementation model. During this time, they supported the school with coaching, feedback, data analysis, modelled lessons, and program training to ensure the program was taught with fidelity. Alice and Lisa can offer a wide range of support options for your schools needs and are happy to tailor their training to suit you. For more information email

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