What it takes to shift practice - Montello Primary School's Journey towards structured literacy
As a small, regional primary school with a vulnerable student population, the leadership of Montello Primary School knew that changes were needed to support their students to become proficient readers. Over the course of a year, the school has trained staff and implemented a structured literacy approach in their early years classrooms. This hasn't come without challenges, but Dion McCall (Principal) and Ruby Moore (Quality Teaching Coach) are ready to share preliminary data, experiences and wisdom with other schools thinking of embarking on a similar journey. In this session, Jocelyn Seamer will facilitate a conversation with Dion and Ruby about their methodology, motivations and future plans for structured literacy in their school.

Challenge Accepted: Practical Actions for Reading Success - Jocelyn Seamer - TAS Branch
In this session, Jocelyn shared her experiences from her work in some of Australia's remotest schools and outline the necessary components for evidence informed literacy practices in the early primary years. Focusing on practical and realistic actions, Jocelyn will invite you to consider the steps we might take to move closer to the evidence and create success and growth for every child, everywhere.