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Mathematics in the Early Years

Mathematics in the Early Years

Samantha and Martin breaks down the evidence needed to understand the four strands of the maths curriculum for F-2, provide practical examples of what this can look like in an explicit instruction classroom and outline how and where play can link with this type of teaching and learning.

This is a replica of their presentation from the recent What Works Series event.

Create a free account on the Circle platform if you haven't already to view the recording.



Samantha works as a Learning Specialist at Templestowe Heights Primary School, implementing an explicit instruction, knowledge-rich curriculum. She currently teaches Grade 2 and has previously worked for Ochre Education as a Subject Lead and Daily Reviews creator



Martin works as the Grade 5 level leader at Templestowe Heights Primary School, and holds a Masters in Early Childhood and Primary teaching from the University of Melbourne. He is actively involved with Ochre Education and enjoys creating resources that can be shared and used by educators.

November 8

Secondary Writing: Insights into AERO’s school-wide approach to teaching writing

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Read2Learn Information Session