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Instructional Coaching with Ollie Lovell and Josh Goodrich

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Instructional Coaching: How it can transform teaching, and what it takes to make it work

In this webinar, Ollie Lovell and Josh Goodrich will take you through why it's hard to improve teaching and what instructional coaching can do about it. With plenty of practical examples, hard-won from combined decades of dedicated focus on this important topic, Ollie and Josh will sketch out the active ingredients of instructional coaching (what it is that makes it work), and how these active ingredients address the common barriers to teachers changing habits and practices. Come along to gain a comprehensive and evidence informed overview of the promise, and practicality, of Instructional Coaching.

About the presenters

Check out Steplab at, as well as the Certificate in Coaching Leadership that Ollie, Josh, and the team will be running in 2024. 

Josh Goodrich

Josh Goodrich is the founder and CEO of Steplab, an organisation built by experienced teacher educators and school leaders that supports schools to run high-quality PD, powered by Instructional Coaching. Josh, an English teacher, has worked as a school leader and led coaching in a cluster of over 50 schools across the UK and most recently as a deputy principal for Teaching and Learning. Josh has studied professional development and instructional coaching, trying to better understand what school leaders and coaches can do to supercharge teacher development. He regularly works with schools to develop their PD programmes and, through his organisation, Steplab, supports thousands of schools to develop coaching approaches that make a huge difference to teaching quality.

Ollie Lovell

Ollie Lovell is an author, podcaster, and educator based in Melbourne Australia. He is best known as host of the hugely popular Education Research Reading Room Podcast and is the author of three books, the Amazon bestsellers Swellerโ€™s Cognitive Load Theory in Action and Tools for Teachers, and the upcoming Classroom Management Handbook. In all of his work, Ollie is laser focussed on clarifying, codifying, and communicating the best that education research and practice has to offer time-poor teachers. Recently, Ollie has turned this attention to helping teachers to improve through Instructional Coaching, and is the Director of Steplab Australia.

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